Self Service Booking Tools
Virtuoso Hotels
Book your Virtuoso hotel through me, your luxury travel advisor, for an unmatched experience. Gain access to exclusive perks, personalized service, and insider insights that elevate your stay. From room upgrades to special amenities, I ensure your journey is seamless and unforgettable, tailored precisely to your desires. You can’t really VIP yourself, but you can if you book through my Virtuoso site!
Travel Insurance
Travel insurance safeguards your journeys— from unforeseen cancellations to medical emergencies abroad. With primary—not secondary—coverage for trip interruptions, baggage loss, and medical expenses, a Travel Insured policy ensures you're prepared for the unexpected. Credit card travel insurance (which is secondary insurance) does not compare!
Ship Your Luggage
Stop wasting time at the airport and start traveling hassle-free, with Luggage Free. The most convenient and affordable door-to-door shipping service for your golf clubs and luggage. Unlike the airlines, Luggage Free provides a hassle-free travel experience backed by an on-time guarantee. Traveling to your next destination just got a whole lot easier with Luggage Free! Note using this service involves planning ahead!
Tours with Context Travel
Do you crave in-depth travel experiences? Context Tours delivers! Led by expert guides (think PhDs!), tours go beyond the surface, diving into history, art, or food. Choose private tours for a personalized deep dive or small groups for a social and enriching adventure. Context is great for travelers who love history and culture.
Tours with Project Expedition
Book tours with Project Expedition for a world of options! Explore thousands of excursions, activities, and trips in over 150 countries. Project Expedition connects you with trusted local operators for unique experiences, from sightseeing to ziplining. Plus, enjoy stress-free planning with a guaranteed back-up plan for cruise excursions. goes here
Tours with Viator
Viator has a lot of tours! Honestly, I prefer Context and Project Expedition because I have a more professional relationship with both firms, but Viator can be great for group tour options. Make sure you read all the reviews before booking. And make sure you download your tickets and bring copies with you on the day!
Vetted Villa Rentals
I love my villa partner! I know the family behind this business and I know they have personally selected every property in their inventory. These villas al come with a luxury concierge service too, providing chefs, housekeepers, transportation and more. So if you need a property for an upcoming family vacation, start here.
Schedule a Family Photoshoot
Collect experiences, not things. Organize a unique souvenir of your vacation with family or friends—a photoshoot! Schedule a personal photographer and a private photo session in the destination of your choosing. Choose from different length sessions with different numbers of photos and/or people in your pics.